As we look forward to welcoming a new year in a few short days, I want to thank the club for its support and commitment to Rotary. It has been a challenging year. We have adapted to meeting on Zoom, while continuing to provide opportunities to serve our community. We have mourned the loss of our President-Elect, Mike McCormick. And we have been reminded that Rotary is a vital part of our community. Our annual charitable donations were particularly vital to many of the organizations that we traditionally support. Together we make our community and the world a better place.

The pandemic has challenged us to rethink how we meet, how we serve, and even how we can come together in fellowship. The pandemic for all its challenges has created opportunities for the club to try new ways of meeting and even created the means of sharing our meeting after the Monday noon hour. Zoom meetings have allowed people to participate even if they aren’t in town. We have adopted a new way of honoring our speakers by making a modest donation on their behalf to charities that are near and dear to our club. We have introduced a digital volunteer signup website ( to facilitate volunteering at club service projects. The online format extends volunteer opportunities to those who aren’t always able to make the Monday meeting.

We have explored new ways of raising money to support our charitable donations. We have not been able to hold our annual dinner-auction this year, but we are trying new ways of fundraising, such as our November Holiday Wreath sale. More fundraising events are on their way in 2021. 

I look forward to the time when we can again meet in person and share a meal together. Our club thrives and grows with face-to-face conversations. Until then, thank you for your continuing commitment to Rotary and Service Above Self.

Pam Whitenack

President, 2020-2021