An opportunity for clarity presented itself at last Monday's meeting when Dr. Kip Shaw described how he has coped with a particularly ugly form of cancer for many many years, during which he reached the decision to persevere against overwhelming odds. It was a story for the ages as he related the compelling reasons for staying the course to watch his two kids grow up, and to adjust to his profession, as life progressed. His wife, Stephanie, has been at his side throughout, and joined us at the meeting, along with his sister, Beth, to lend gravitas to the life-altering journey that he and they have experienced well over a decade. Only Kip can truly know the depths of his experience, but he shared a key insight with us to make all the difference in his world, and in ours: "Choose your Attitude"! He does that every day and refuses to settle for anything less than a positive approach. For more of that inspirational journey, check out his book. 
Another profound event will be this Monday's meeting on November 11, Veterans Day, a national day of recognition of the sacrifice of veterans from all services. Our Club is fortunate to have a rich history of Veterans as members, and we will hear from them briefly as they lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Please plan to join in that special celebration of service above self.